Our Mission
Most of us are well aware of the injustices in our the world and the significant climate changes we face...
But where do we go from there? It can easily feel pointless to try and make a difference as one person.
With Love Darling combines the best of both worlds. We knew that in order to have the biggest impact, it needed to be through something people could relate to - and who doesn't love jewellery?
Treat yourself with elegant jewellery and make a difference in the world we live in.
When you buy With Love Darling you get a luxurious piece of jewellery for life, create jobs for those in need, stand up for change and plant a tree with your order.
We believe in change through storytelling and beautiful, sustainable jewelry. Our Global Goal Collection is built around the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals and aims to inspire and engage people to buy, live and think more sustainably.
Our jewellery is designed in Montreal and then handcrafted in workshops in third world countries, providing the goldsmiths with the income to lift themselves and their families out of poverty.
Learn more about the Global Goals
Our Mission Is To-fold
"First, we want to engage and inspire everyone to be part of the movement to move closer to achieving the 2030 global goals.
To quote General Ban-Ki-Moon: "We are the first generation to end poverty and the last to end climate change. We must all make sure that these 17 goals are part of the way we live and act. "
Secondly, we want to respect the goals when we make the jewelry. That means no impact on the climate, decent working conditions and engaging with third world artisans."
A Future where YOU make the difference
"We aim to work with many of the more than 10,000 companies that have committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.
With Love Darling bridges the gap between fashion and sustainability. We are aware that fashion is the second largest polluting industry in the world, and therefore we want to help build a community of fashion consumers who engage in a responsible and sustainable way.
We're committed to creating a community around our jewelry and creating an experience that lives and breathes to pave the way for a better world. To us, jewellery is all about storytelling, and the value of a piece is to be measured in its symbolism and sentimental value – as opposed to its monetary value.
We are the first jewelry company to interpret the SDGs through a dedicated collection.
With each piece of jewelry, each person gets the chance to be part of something bigger and commit to their values and what they believe in, while representing a personal story.
We hope that our SDG collection and our other jewelry can inspire change and help contribute to a better future!
"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something"
With Love,
Elisabeth Crossley-Wright