Remembering An Icon: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Last week, the world lost a icon. United States Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at the age of 87.

There's not enough words to fully describe the amount of incredible work RBG did for the world, especially for women. She was a champion of gender equality and women's rights, and fought for freedoms for minorities across the U.S.

Ginsburg graduated at the top of her class from Cornell in 1954. She was then selected as one of the nine women to be accepted to Harvard Law School out of a class of 500. After graduating, she went on to become a law professor and began her career in fighting for equal rights.

Ginsburg secured her first judicial position in 1980, serving 27 years on the Supreme Court after being appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993; she was the second woman, and the first Jewish person, to ever serveShe dedicated her career to fighting for gender equality, fighting to protect the 14th amendment, and attempting to extend the guarantee of equal protection of racial and ethnic minorities to include women as well.  

We're thankful for the amazing work that Ruth Bader Ginsburg accomplished, and we're thinking of this amazing woman all week.

To learn more about RBG, check out the video below.

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