More About Our Sustainable Practices!

At With Love Darling, we're serious about using sustainable practices within our business so we can help contribute to a brighter future. Ever since we've taken the pledge to help out with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, we've continued to hold our promise by following through with these rules:

All Our Materials Are Recycled

In a world where garbage pollution is slowly but surely covering the planet, we make sure all leftover materials from our jewelry creation are recycled sustainably. 


All Our Packaging Is Recycled Too!

It's not just our jewelry materials. Those cute little boxes you receive your precious pieces in? They're easily recyclable to avoid garbage buildup. 


We Make Sure Our Workshops Have Decent Work And Salary Conditions

Just like the 8th Global Goal: Decent Work And Economic Growth, we ensure that our workshops in developing countries like India and Jordan have workers that are cared for, treated fairly and paid well.  


Our Material Comes From Trustworthy Sources

We always make sure that our materials used to make everything from With Love Darling is ethically sourced and environmentally friendly.  


Want to learn more about the Global Goals and sustainable practices? CLICK HERE!

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